Happy Birthday to you, my friend- Damien~
My classmates celebrated his b'day by 7pm at MD, but i arrived at 8.50pm. A bit late, but at least got face to face wish him happy birthday... ^^ I used 8 mins from 9th mile to reach 3rd mile MD. When i reached there, i still got free supper chia by him, nice~~ A filet-o-fish burger + nuggets. Thanks ya buddy~ after a while, his parent came to fetch him.
Moomoo wore so formal today, so surprised when i saw her. Lols~ She seem to be so moody and tired tonight, no energy at all, no laugh but only 'am chio'. Then Joice and Pong, both of them got same habit that is bite their own nails. Keep on biting their nails. Lols~ Liang always so sexy, didn't wear underwear again. Smack on his pat2 can hear the sound, PiiiaaKkk!! haha~ Pia really become more and more bad since i know him. He likes to bully and 'suan' people, especially moomoo. Pity moomoo always being bully by people.
This is the special present we gave to Damien. It's one of the transformers, wish u would like it ya!