Thursday, May 1, 2008

Goodbye my friend... Eng

It's was a beautiful evening.. I was shocked when i received a message about that my friend was going to Australia to continue her study. So bad.. She never tell me about this! Last minute i just knew it. Luckily i still able to meet her in the airport. She becomes more chubby! Lols...

Still the same, she likes to act cute, although she isn't cute.. lols, just kidding..

Haha... Eng and i at the entrance.

Haiz~ Pai mia... Got saman somemore. It's was too late when my friend asked me to look at my car. JPJ was standing there and recording my car plate no. Cost me $80 to send my friend.

Goodbye my dear friend... Sie Eng~ We gonna miss u! Wish u all the best and good luck in everything ya... Ganbateh!


Blogger o.O said...

hehe...both of u very match le...can think about it la....^^

May 5, 2008 at 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wat i wan choose him or not,not he thk bout me la...swt...lolz...eng~~

July 22, 2008 at 9:43 AM  

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